Wat i'm about

Wat I Am Rite Now...

miss my peepz , dry life , lookin for work , need more muzix!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Upgraded To Sumthin Worst You Bitch!

pix from last thursday. mafia wannabe~~~lolz!

ok 1st tingz 1st. i am juz pissed of much worst after today mornin. i knew sumthin bad mite happen. n it juz got worst. shez no hell hound no more. shez a devil! but still,i'm not at any loosing end coz the original reason me being there got nothin to do wif her. haha! in ur face bitch!

ok so another ting iz tat we're finally got cut. we're strangerz now eh? i knew itz gonna happen sooner or later but i dont rilli seem to mind. treat me how u wanna treat me. i'm a person tat goes wif the flow. so throw everythin u got at me n i'll make use of'em no problem. hehe~~~ honestly,i prefer not contacted at all as it'll be more peaceful to my life. dunno if tiz iz a good ting or a bad ting for me.

so skool iz mendak juz now. got presentation at the auditorium explainin our final year project. ok guyz! i'll be ur teacher n tell u wat u nid to do! n the guyz i'm referin to are of coz my klassmatez tat didnt turned up today n i bet 2molo too. final year man! muz start to raise the roof!
so another ting wich was done durin klass was another practice on the 3d max. make airplane. an aircraft actually. i accidentally made an alien warcraft. lolz.....

2molo iz nunuz b'day yo! planz? sadly not sure wat to do bout it since therez a low chance it'll be happenin coz we're not rili togeter. how eh?

leavin u guyz hangin here! later ya'llz!

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